Jury Code of Ethics
- I will be conscious of the fact that everything I do, directly or indirectly, has the potential to reflect upon Alliance for Coffee Excellence and the company I represent.
- I will conduct myself at all times with openness, forthrightness, and honesty in dealing with people and organizations.
- I will hold myself to the highest possible standard of conduct reflective of the work that I do, striving always to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
- I will treat everyone with dignity, worth, respect, concern, courtesy and fairness.
- I will be sensitive to and seek solutions for all instances of discrimination and social injustice that I observe.
- I will respect and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
- I will exercise prudent stewardship of all Alliance for Coffee Excellence resources.
- I will avoid all conflict of interest relationships with board members, staff, suppliers, those we serve, and other organizations with whom I deal, unless disclosed and approved.
- I will accept no gifts or favors that might influence the performance of my responsibilities.
- I will also adhere to and comply with the defined standards of conduct of my own profession.